Civic access

In this page is published the link to the page of the Government website with the information related to simple civic access and generalized civic access so-called Foia - Freedom of Information Act introduced by Legislative Decree of May 25, 216 n. 97, an integral part of the reform process of the Public Administration, defined by Law August 7, 2015, n. 124 (Madia Law).

Civic access of the Government website

Simple civic access allows anyone to request from the administrations of interest, documents and information or data for which mandatory publication is provided, in cases where the same have not been published, even partially, or updated in the "Transparent Administration" section of the institutional website of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - PCM (Article 5, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013).

The request for simple civic access to documents, data or information held by the Department of Civil Protection must be submitted to the Head of Transparency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, using the form in the "Civic Access" section of the institutional website of the PCM and accessible at the following link


Legislative Decree No. 97 of May 25, 2016, amending Legislative Decree No. 33 of March 14, 2013, introduced the institution of "generalized" civic access, which gives anyone the "right to access data and documents held by public administrations, in addition to those subject to publication (...), always respecting the limits related to the protection of legally relevant interests 'Article 5-bis" ( Article 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013).

How to submit a request for general access to the Department of Civil Protection

To submit a request for general access to the Department of Civil Protection is available, in the side menu of this page, a form to fill out and sign. Please note that civic access is provided to request documents, data and information available and identified.

The request must be signed

- with digital signature directly on the file;
- with handwritten signature on the printed form, taking care to attach a copy of the identity document.

The request must be sent, also through the form available in this page, by means of:

- sending it electronically to one of the Department's e-mail addresses:


- sending by ordinary mail to the address

           Presidency of the Council - Department of Civil Protection
           Office V Human and instrumental resources and general operating services
           Transparency and Integrity Service - Via Ulpiano, 11 - 00193 Rome.

What to do in case of non-response, partial or total refusal

In the event of total or partial refusal of general access or failure to reply within thirty days from the date of submission, the applicant may apply for reconsideration to the Head of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers who, within twenty days, decides by reasoned decision.
Is available in the menu on this page a form of request for reconsideration of access to general civic to fill out, sign and send to the Head of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Via della Mercede, 96, 00187 Rome, or at the following address PEC:
The decision of the Department of Civil Protection on the request for access and, in case of a request for reconsideration, the Head of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, may be challenged before the Regional Administrative Court, pursuant to art. 116 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (Legislative Decree no. 104 of 2 July 2010).


Presidenza del Consiglio – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile – Ufficio V Risorse umane e strumentali e servizi generali di funzionamento – Servizio Trasparenza e Integrità
Via Ulpiano, 11 – 00193 ROMA
phone: 0668202550