Legal measure

This section provides the list of legal measures issued by the Civil Protection Department or concerning civil protection topics. The provisions can be searched by type, scope, risk, date and territory.
With the legislative decree 2 January 2018, no. 1 setting out the "Civil Protection Code", pursuant to Article 24, the declaration of the state of emergency takes place with decision of the Council of Ministers, formulated on request of the President of the Region or Autonomous Province involved and in any case acquired the agreement, declares the state of emergency of national importance, setting the duration and determining the territorial extent with reference to the nature and quality of events.
Legislative Decree no. 1 of 2018 in Article 25 also provides that it is the task of the Head of the Civil Protection Department to issue, in agreement with the regions territorially affected, the orders for the implementation of interventions to be carried out during the state of emergency, and take care of their implementation.
Abbreviation keys:
Dpr - Decree of the President of the Republic
Dpcm - Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers
Dm - Ministerial Decree
Dl - Decree-Law
Dlgs - Legislative Decree
Opcm - Ordinance of the President of the Council of Ministers